Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Jenna Does When She is too Busy to Blog...

Hi, this is Megan here, Jenna's witty older sister. Since Jen is obviously too busy to keep her family and friends updated on her current events I though I would take the liberty and inform everyone on what she has been up to.

She bakes... well, this is actually the first time I have ever seen her do it... So I should say, she baked.

She primps... sometimes. Not when she has to be at Maverik super early. Like 5am early.

She obviously does NOT clean her room.
I have no excuses for her on this one.

She mooches dinner off of the bishop's wife. Wait... I may gave taught her that.

She practices the piano faithfully. Look closely.

She practices looking hard-core gansta' with me. She almost has it down. Just has to perfect the "screw you" sign that is pasted on my forehead.

She entertains me. Which is a full time job. As you can see I made her play crack the egg over and over again. Till she was tired of jumping.

We love our little Jenna-loulou-face. But the next post is all her.


Karin said... that was worth the wait! Thank you Maymo for the Jenna update! I does look like she is super busy! so my bad! Can't wait for Jen's next post!

Karena said...

Thanks Megan for doing the update, that was a lot of cute pictures. Thanks for the information!